Snuggle Satisfaction Guarantee

Smooth minky blankets, swaddles, knotted gowns and paper flowers are handmade by Bug & Bean and their creative partners.  Wood signs are hand cut by a local WoodWorker, and hand painted by Bug & Bean. Nursery decor is either manufactured by Bug & Bean directly, or by one of our worldwide manufacturing partners. 

All custom items are made to order. 

Orders with name personalization are designed and ordered on an individual basis. Production time for custom items is 4-6 weeks. Shipping times are in addition to the production timeline, and can vary depending on where the items are being shipped.

Shipping / tracking / items lost in transit:

Once your item has shipped, you will be provided a tracking number for your parcel. 

If you have not received your item within 21 days of receiving your tracking number, please contact Bug & Bean Customer Service at so that we may follow up. During this window, a reorder or refund can be processed if deemed necessary. 

If the shipping time has exceeded 21 days and you have not reached out to follow up within that time frame, only store credit will be offered as compensation for the lost item. 

If the package is listed as ‘Delivered” when following up with your tracking number, you must contact your local post office for further assistance as we do not have access to additional information. 

Once shipped, packages are the responsibility of the shipping provider, and no longer that of Bug & Bean Decor. We will, however, do our best to assist with locating your packages. 

Snuggle Satisfaction Guarantee:

Bug & Bean Decor guarantees their products will be free of defects in design and workmanship for 90 days from the date of delivery.  Defects include: fabric misprints, stitching defects such as separation of seams and blanket borders, discolouration or manufacturing flaws. If you have concerns with the quality of your product, please contact us at or at the contact form below.

Design proofs are provided to ensure you are happy with the design of your product before it is ordered. Please ensure you review your design proof thoroughly. The Snuggle Satisfaction Guarantee does not protect against mis-spelled names, or incorrect fonts on customized orders. Once the proof has been accepted by the purchaser, it is printed as approved, and no refund will be issued at that time.